Friday, January 7, 2011

Back on the horse

Downtown Port Au Prince is eerily quiet on the third day of political protests against Renee Prevals Rigged Election Results.

A typical tent home for a family. One bed, a leaky cover and a few rudimentary cooking a washing supplies.

A young girl, perfectly groomed for school crosses a trash filled canal to exit her tent city in Downtown Port Au Prince.

This down syndrome boy is considered lucky to be "middle class". Here he stands with his neighborhood as a back drop. This suburb near the international airport was only partially damaged by the earthquake and many are still living under concrete roofs that could potentially be quite unstable.

A woman rides a tap tap (public transport) in downtown Port Au Prince.

A middle class suburb of Port Au Prince. Many of these homes remain unscathed from the January earthquake.

A young man tidies a rare space where he can sell tires on the side of the road.

Slum neighbourhoods in Port Au Prince now consist partly of temporarily constructed residences and tents in amongst old homes that survived the earthquake. For many living conditions after the earthquake simply went from bad to worse

A house sits adrift in Downtown Port Au Prince.

Hi there!
I am back on the horse. I had my recovery time in delightful Ft Lauderdale and returned to Port Au Prince this morning. One bonus, was I managed to develop the film I had shot in my first week, and I got a few negatives scanned, so I have some new work to post.
I can't wait to get back into it!
Cheers All!


  1. Wow Clairey these photos are very powerful, confronting and have left me feeling really pretty devastated for these ppl. Can we still donate and how is the money used? Ali

  2. The film stuff is so much more powerful. I'm so glad you're able to go back to complete it. xoxo

  3. Alois, I know. I prefer it too, just a shame it's so dam inconvenient! By the time I can process it, no magazine or newspaper will care about Haiti anymore.

    Mykela, (Is this Cully?)Yes, I'm going to start pushing for funding again, now that I've returned. Basically I'm funding personal work through the pre-sale of limited editioned prints and posters. The money goes towards expenses like film and developing and paying for fixers (translators / drivers etc). The work also raises awareness for many amazing charities and organizations like Medicine Sans Fonteirs, who provide emergency medical assistance and Healing Hands for Haiti who have given prosthetic limbs to thousands of people affected by the earthquake.
    Hope this helps! I'll be updating my indigogo project soon!

  4. Clairey precious, I so know what you mean. I think that's why none of my stuff never got any play in the papers, and I was only lagging behind a week, 10 days max.

    Hell, I was going to do a project on Vietnam's biggest cave and National Geographic scooped me on that last month :(
